Get off the treadmill and go for an adventure of innovation!

Is the constant monotony and repetition of your routine-based job boring you? Does that certain level of stability and a secure environment make it all seem worth it? Well then you should feel right at home at tectos!

Currently we are looking for:

Open positions (f/m/d)PlaceDate
Technical Designer Graz25.03.2024
Marketing Specialist Graz25.03.2024
Technical Illustrator Graz25.03.2024
Project Manager Automotive Graz25.03.2024
Simulation Engineer Graz08.05.2024
Measurement Technician Graz15.05.2024

Feel free to send us your unsolicited application if no suitable position for you is currently posted!

Contact Us

Knowledge has no hierarchy at tectos! This is why we rely on internal training, workshops and lectures composed by our externally-sourced experts.

With the tectos academy, we have created a knowledge platform that is readily available to all of our employees. It is not just about furthering your professional education, but also about crucial “soft skills” such as communication, team building, etc.